Photo: Drexina Nelson @DrexinaNelson Hair: Shanna Anise @redmystiqueart + Renee Easley @itsahairthang_ Makeup: Kira Zitney @kirazitney
Models l-r: Bianca @bsl1ck Dominique @mzjasper Vanessa @wolfthebabe
Wardrobe: Yokiana @yoyokiana
My name is Drexina Nelson. I am a photographer, content creator, women's advocate and one of the hosts of Kinky Conversations. As a female entrepreneur, my mission in business has always focused on uplifting, encouraging, and celebrating women through the lens of my camera. I know in my heart that we are unique, intelligent, beautiful beacons of light that hold more power within our communities than most give us credit for. However, I know that many of us, including myself, have self imposed light dimmers that place a barrier on our true potential. Well this is the year, I take off my super woman cape and place the focus on what I truly want!
Photo: Kevin Ffrench @kffrench88
As national women’s month comes to a close, I want to talk about releasing. We live in this world with so many pressures, expectations to BE (either self imposed or not), and whatever other weights that we chose to hold on our shoulders. Many of us have taken on the weight of not just the world but of others that surround us. We make the “righteous” choice to become Saviors to everyone. We tend to focus on saving everyone else, and allowing ourselves to suffer. It is my belief that it is also selfish to put yourself on the back burner.
We must release the things that dull our shine. We must release that which no longer serves us… We must release the life that we believe that we are deemed to have, and learn to love and honor the life that we currently live. Although this place is not where you want to be ultimately, you must show gratitude towards it as it is a part of your story.
Photo: Drexina Nelson @drexinanelson
Personally, I have dealt with the battle between the mind and reality. My mind tells me that there is danger in trusting others, and issues with being my “true” self. My whole entire life, I have told myself that I am shy, and would shriek back from trusting my own decisions, being confident in myself, or speaking my absolute truth. I have lived the majority of my life for the beliefs that others have imposed upon me. I have been codependent, and standing in the shadows for fear of truly being “exposed” or seen. I have relied upon other people’s opinions and advice, therefore trusting their perspective more than my own. I have lived in extreme inner fear. The fear was something that was a combination of my imagination, and due to a few bumps in my yellow brick road. However, this was not the road to my final destination. This road was a detour that I needed to make for self healing. I have held onto the beliefs that connecting to others, and being vulnerable would cause me irreversible pain. I clinged unto the beliefs that I can not trust my judgement in who I allow into my life. I believed that I was not good enough, attractive enough, smart enough, great… Enough. I have lived my life as half of the person that I believe myself to be… due to fear. Well, for National Women’s month and beyond, I choose to LET. IT. ALL. GO. One step at a time… One foot in front of the other. I will work each and every day to live beyond my fears. I will silence the outward voices that somehow at times take completely over my mind. I will no longer shut the door on relationships. I will communicate my thoughts and feelings fully and effectively. I will honor my business, myself, my friends, family, and show gratitude to my significant other. Today, I will be on the journey to being a better woman. I will annihilate the negative voices that I feel hold me back. Today I will BE. As I ascend the ladder of success towards my goals, I will denounce all of the ties that have bound me to this state of complacency. I reject the deafening thoughts and patterns that have held me in my mental Alcatraz. I will be FREE. Today… I RELEASE.
The first step to being free is to acknowledge the negative thoughts and patterns that have become a part of your life. You can not release them if you are not willing to own and face them. They will continue to be a part of your being if you do not choose to do the work by digging deeper to find them. Be transparent, authentic, understanding, and loving to yourself. Understand that no one lives in a perpetual state of perfection so stop comparing yourself and your journey.
What are some restraints that you want to release so that you can live to your fullest potential? What steps will you take to hold yourself accountable to truly letting go? Please comment below as I would love to hear your stories and feedback!
This month and everyday forward, own who you are, your present and past, live magically, and crush those goals! YOU. GOT. THIS!